Today this animal who hopped, jumped, played around, sat with me when I cried and yes....even licked my hands and woke me up in the mornings by licking my face is ill.....but my hope and faith in Him rests on a prayer that when I come to Bombay (in just a few days I will be there...) I will see him just the way I saw him 5-6 months ago.....he will be fine....he will be perfect...and in excellent health.
I remember some years back we had bought him a partner so that he'd be in good company as he'd have one of his kind....we named him Troy....but unfortunately he passed away all of a sudden without any signs of illness.But look at the way an animal mourned the death of his companion...Sunshine did not eat for 2 whole days...finally my mother forcibly had to put a morsel into his mouth that he finally broke his fast.
I remember some years back we had bought him a partner so that he'd be in good company as he'd have one of his kind....we named him Troy....but unfortunately he passed away all of a sudden without any signs of illness.But look at the way an animal mourned the death of his companion...Sunshine did not eat for 2 whole days...finally my mother forcibly had to put a morsel into his mouth that he finally broke his fast.
I also remember the times when I was alone at home for days together and he would keep me in good company....he would hop around me, then come closer, lick me then run away as fast as he could. The rapport I shared with him was amazing...so much so that when I felt low...he'd lick me and I'd then cuddle to him; at times he'd even sit and listen to me as though he knew what the whole matter was....and then he'd go run and play....and it'd then make me realize that I should let go sadness, loneliness or despair.....and that I should play....which according to me meant that I should keep myself occupied which would be in the form of watching a movie, reading a book, surfing the net or meeting up wth friends etc...
He was and is my little angel whom God sent into my life when we bought him 4 years ago from the Crawford Market in Mumbai where this little timid fellow with one black one grey beady eyes and a black and while fur coat lay in a cage along with his other friends....ready to be sold....until my mother spotted him and decided that he would be my pet.....a pet I had longed to have all my life....and today if anything happens to him..I will never have another pet again...after all there is definitely a sense of attachment,bonding and love especially those with whom you share even some precious moments of your life with...there's so much this little innocent animal taught me! During these tender moments I am relying and affirming on some truths from The Bible, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and The Hymnal...that "Through the Love of God our Saviour all will be well" "The Lord perfecteth that concerneth me", "God that made man, maintains His own image and likeness".
30th August 2009, Sunday - But it was unfortunate that I could not fight time to be there with Sunshine.....I missed him by just 3 days.....he passed away this morning and I couldn't stop crying for him...he was perfectly alright and then was ill all of a sudden and on Sunday morning I hear that Sunshine was no more..... I'm sad. May my little friend and angel's soul rest in peace.
I end this month's blog posting on a prayer that God's blessings be with you always no matter wherever you are and whatever you do.My dear readers, if you are inspired to share your life's experiences, a healing you have witnessed wherein you expressed the power of God's presence, mercy and goodness....then do not forget to share it right here at Sonyaa's Random Musings.
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