Thursday, October 1, 2015


Hi Friends,

How are you? Hope you are doing good? In this month's post I shall be writing about four films that I watched in recent months which I thought you could add to your watch list too! These films of different genres that I am about to write of are here to give you the spook,there's one that would make you sit up and gasp in awe at supernatural events unfolding within the narrative of the film while another might simply make you laugh! So read on and make your pick from these diverse range of films!

This one's not for the faint-hearted or weak-spirited though the film is not even a horror!This film is something that you perhaps may have never watched before on screen for it wreaks out hell, havoc,torture and mayhem from the start to the end.The film in question is the Kelly Reilly and Michael Fassbender starer Eden Lake. A young couple on a weekend romantic getaway confront a gang of violent youngsters only to suffer brutal consequences unleashed on them.

When I first watched the film,I visualized that in today's age and time something as such was inevitable and quite possibly happening in some part of the world because no matter how much we as a country or nation may have progressed but the society we live in has turned decadent where rape, murder, abuse,incest etc. have become second nature to man. And our newer generation are being fed on these so called "values" for they witness these uneventful happenings taking place in their homes and around.Where has our humanity gone? Though some of you reading this might scoff at me for taking a film far too seriously...but let's not forget,films mirror society and with incidents as such transpiring around us these days,it is thus not difficult to imagine such a scenario.

Eden Lake in many ways reminded me of the film Vacancy.While Eden Lake taught young couples never to romance at secluded spots else they better be prepared for the grave consequences that follow then Vacancy taught us never to stop by an unknown motel (a la Psycho anyone?) should your car ever break down.However the spoiler alert here is that while Vacancy ended on a positive note with a fulfilling climax where good prevails over bad however Eden Lake is chilling,scary and gruesome right till the sends shivers down your spine! 

In the same vein,this year's Keanu Reeves starrer Knock Knock promises to give you the goosebumps where the byline of the film reads,"Some doors should never be opened"! All these three films are sending out statutory warning to both couples and viewers out there...but are you listening?Till then watch the trailer of Eden Lake,Vacancy and Knock Knock before you decide to rent the DVDs! (Psst...I am yet to watch Knock Knock though...but the trailer definitely gives me the shocks!)

The next film on my list is a Tom Hanks starer,The Green Mile.While many might like to call the film a supernatural or fantasy crime drama however I'd like to call it a film on spiritual awakening.I would like to describe the character of John Coffey (played Michael Clarke Duncan),a massive black man as an instrument of God who performs miracles and suffers in prison for the sins committed by another when he is finally sent to the gallows.I guess if I read author, Stephen King's mind correctly,he has fashioned the character of John Coffey based on the life of Jesus Christ (even the initials of their names match!Please don't call me blasphemous!That's my way of understanding The Green Mile where the main hero according to me was John Coffey and the film was simply the story of a miracle!

Here's the film for you in a nutshell - A giant black man, John Coffey is on death row where he and Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks),the prison guard form an unlikely rapport especially when the latter is healed of a bladder infection that is followed by supernatural events performed by Coffey both in the prison and on the outside.It is then that Paul Edgecomb discovers that this soft-spoken black man convicted of a heinous crime may actually be innocent even as he watches him executed before his very own eyes only to live beyond his years to tell the tale about his punishment from God and the 'gift of life' that John Coffey had bestowed upon him before he died.Watch the trailer of the film and decide for yourself if this is your kinda film!

The next and last film on my list is - Tootsie,an out-and-out comedy starring the versatile Dustin Hoffman who plays a perfectionist yet out-of-job actor whom no one wants to hire because of his difficult to work with reputation that precedes him.But his luck changes no sooner he dresses in a drag and auditions for the female lead in a soap opera and gets the job!From Michael Dorsey he transforms into Dorothy Michaels and an exciting new world unfolds when his character in the soap opera not just wins him recognition and popularity among the viewers but romances too for both Dorothy Michaels and Michael Dorsey!! And the climax is simply hilarious! Tootsie is a rib-tickling comedy and there's not a dull moment in the film. From Kramer Vs. Kramer to Rain Man to Tootsie...Dustin Hoffman has an amazing range! He is underrated and truly a gem of an actor.He may be short in stature and someone who you could easily overlook as a passerby but as an actor he has a towering personality...he breathes life and magic into the characters he portrays on the celluloid! Check it out!

So here's four films for you...I do hope that by now you've made your choice!

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