While the Indo-Pak problem along the LOC ceases to calm down all said and done, let’s begin with the leadership crisis our country faced a month ago, yes the NO CONFIDENCE MOTION against the ruling government over the Nuclear Deal issue.
Whether the Nuclear Deal is good or bad for our country is something I won’t comment upon…but what came out of the whole Parliament session was a revelation when the left parties decided to align with the NDA. Yes the same NDA of whom they accused of barbaric acts of violence against the minorities in Gujarat when they aligned with the UPA few years back in forming the government in their attempt to prevent the NDA from coming into power...phew…dirty politics!!!
And exactly a day later when the UPA government was celebrating their thumping victory over the NO CONFIDENCE MOTION, a series of bomb blasts ripped Bangalore (south of India) and the next day Gujarat (west coast of India) was targeted….and if I’m not mistaken it was reported over the next few days that shrapnels were found in and around many places in Gujarat, looks like the plan was to blow up the whole city….I wonder who’s behind it all and what a timing….to target India at her weakest hour…who could have benefited from it…I wonder!!
If you thought that the chaos in our country ended just there… then wait on, the MNS (Maharashtra Navnirman Sena), a Maharashtrian outfit has created mayhem across Mumbai (the west coast of India), the financial capital of India and has got it’s two minute to fame which they had been craving for across all section of the media to establish themselves as an independent entity after their bitter split with the Shiv Sena.
Reason: The influx of North Indians to the state is creating a sense of insecurity because of their growing prosperity in the state.
Result: North Indians are targeted for one reason or the other - North Indian should not be given a job in Mumbai or they should know Marathi or they should put up the boards outside their shops in Marathi….now that’s too much! If such outfits are going to dictate our lives then where does the fundamental rights as enshrined in our Constitution which is the Freedom of thought and expression and the Right to Move freely throughout the territory of India rest today???? And look at the irony…Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar who drafted our Constitution was a Maharashtrian himself and perhaps this thought may never have even crossed his mind…then who are these riff raffs disturbing the law and order of our country!!!
Now take Kandhamal district (Orissa, eastern India), Christians like Parsis are among the most peace loving communities of India. Christian missionaries selflessly devote their lives for the people by serving the poor, the old and the destitute through their institutions run across the country. But now figure this out; 23rd August 2008 Swami Laxmananand Saraswati was killed by some fanatics and in turn Christians became soft targets by the fascist forces for venting out their seething anger. People were killed in broad daylight and institutions were torched and the Orissa government watched the show with aplomb.
The horrors of the incident as reported in The Tribune on September 6th, it says, “People are still recounting with horror how their family members were axed and beheaded, torched and blown up with LPG cylinders in kitchens”.
And read this, the worst atrocity of its kind. One of the 346 refugees who had sought shelter at the YMCA, Pradhan says he should not have left his disabled brother behind: “They showed no mercy. They burnt him alive. We watched from the fields as our brother, our house, went up in the flames”. Further in the article it goes on to say that Akbar Digal, a pastor was allegedly beheaded after he thrice refused to become a Hindu. More than 6,000 people have been displaced; 650 families affected; and 65 villages destroyed.
With the killings taking place each day, it seems to me that human lives have become cheap and have no value at all!!
North-South-East-West….our country is in a real mess…arise dear citizens of India, your motherland needs you in her hour of crisis, let’s salvage her pride and honour before it is too late!
However, I would like to end this posting on a small prayer giving us hope for a new day - “Dear Lord, give us the strength to face this day, and the hope to welcome the next”
1 comment:
Hi Sonyaa,
This was a powerfull one , and hope to see many more like these.
And God Bless India.
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