Hi Everybody,
Another franchise of Twilight readies to hit the theatres soon...but here's a candid confession I have to make...though I'm an ardent fan of the series...I didn't quite like the last two (New Moon and Eclipse) instalments as much as I enjoyed Twilight saga in itself. But hey..that doesn't mean I'm going to stop watching them altogether! Well, I guess what went wrong in the last two films were that they were not clipped and it just dragged on and on..though for fans it meant more screen time to drool, gasp and immerse yourself in the onscreen chemistry of the lead actors whom we love and adore so dearly...but then if they had to have a longer film then the treatment had to be exceptional.The other day I was watching the trailer of Twilight-Breaking Dawn and I was impressed! The trailer of Twilight-Breaking Dawn does have two much awaited moments...yeah yeah Edward Cullen and Bella Swan are finally getting married and yes they'd be parents too (in this film itself..at least the trailer suggests!) and sob sob... Jacob's frantic efforts to win Bella proves futile and I guess the moment in the film that'd bring tears to our eyes is when he'd have the last dance with her before she's all set to marry Edward...So yes there's a lot to look forward to in Breaking Dawn and the trailer conveys it all...and hey if moments ago you thought I was criticizing the film...you're wrong! The bottom line is that I love Twilight and I mean good...so irrespective what critics say, I'm gonna watch this one however! http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi2052299801/
The next trailer I picked on the web was Clint Eastwood's J.Edgar and I was stunned...those few seconds arrested my thoughts with those haunting visuals,powerful voice-over and a hard-hitting commentary which goes as...
"DON'T WILT LIKE A LITTLE FLOWER...BE STRONG" (That's a unique perspective of an ailing mother reinstating those words in Hoover...I'm curious to watch how much of a mama's boy the most feared man in the history of America really was!)
"EVEN GREAT MEN CAN BE CORRUPTED" (Boy..he had a vision on this one!!) Didn't that give you a punch!
The octogenarian film maker has touched upon a subject which no one dared to in the last 30 years...Bravo Eastwood! Though when I think of a subject as this, many film-makers come to my mind...with the likes of Oliver Stone (JFK), Martin Scorcese (The Aviator), Richard Attenborough (Gandhi) and Michael Mann (Public Enemies) and each of them could have handled the same subject uniquely and from a different perspective altogether...though we are somewhat familiar with their style of narrative on a given subject and the audience knows what to expect. But the highlight of Eastwood's film as far as we are concerned is that this one's going to be an absolute suspense since we're not quite acquainted with Eastwood's style when it comes to documenting the life and times of a controversial figure in history.
And now what's left for us to observe here is how deftly and differently he presents, interprets and handles the subject and more importantly what aspect he chooses to highlight from the chapters in the life of J.Edgar. So, there's lot we can expect from this one! Now this is definitely one film I'm eagerly looking forward to watching even if critics pan it or it doesn't live up to the hype (which I'm very sure will surpass everyone's expectation!!), I'd still laud the director for unmasking the most feared man in the history of the United States of America through his film - J.Edgar!Now for those of you who don't have a wind of what I'm talking about, watch the trailer right away! http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi1849990169/
How are you doing? Trust all's well at your end... In the last few blogs I've been focusing on some really serious issues...this time around, I thought I'd give myself a break and write on my pet subject, films! Howzzat? Ready?
Of course by now if you've been reading my blog posts intently, you know for sure that my favorite genre when it comes to films are romance,drama,musicals,an uplifting real life story,animation (yep lately I've been loving them!), biopics,thriller and the rest in that order.
Well, of late some upcoming English films trailers have caught my attention and they've captured my imagination to the extent that it leaves me wondering if just two and half minutes could be so engrossing, what'd the film be like! And it's not that my craze or fancy as I may put it for trailers of Hollywood films have stemmed up all of a sudden... I've always loved them..except that I find the trailers getting slick, stylish and edgy each passing year! Like take for instance promos and teasers of The Dark Knight Rises, Twilight -Breaking Dawn, J. Edgar, MI-Ghost Protocol and so many others...so right away let's get discussing about them and more....
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"WHEN MORALS DECLINE AND GOOD MEN DO NOTHING.. (And that voice over dissolves to a the shadow of the feared Edgar Hoover entering the room)
EVIL FLOURISHES...(and then the visuals of the blast...reiterates that evil has arrived with a bang!)...
SOCIETY UNWILLING TO LEARN FROM THE PAST IS DOOMED.(and this one is beautifully interspersed with visuals of protests by the blacks... incidentally they were hated by Hoover!). WE MUST NEVER FORGET OUR HISTORY. WE MUST NEVER LOWER OUR GUARD."
EVIL FLOURISHES...(and then the visuals of the blast...reiterates that evil has arrived with a bang!)...
SOCIETY UNWILLING TO LEARN FROM THE PAST IS DOOMED.(and this one is beautifully interspersed with visuals of protests by the blacks... incidentally they were hated by Hoover!). WE MUST NEVER FORGET OUR HISTORY. WE MUST NEVER LOWER OUR GUARD."
"DON'T WILT LIKE A LITTLE FLOWER...BE STRONG" (That's a unique perspective of an ailing mother reinstating those words in Hoover...I'm curious to watch how much of a mama's boy the most feared man in the history of America really was!)
"IT'S TIME GENERATION OF TODAY LEARNT TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN VILLAIN AND HERO" (Well, as I said I have to watch this one.. and did he say hero? Hoover? hmmm...)
"EVEN GREAT MEN CAN BE CORRUPTED" (Boy..he had a vision on this one!!) Didn't that give you a punch!
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And now what's left for us to observe here is how deftly and differently he presents, interprets and handles the subject and more importantly what aspect he chooses to highlight from the chapters in the life of J.Edgar. So, there's lot we can expect from this one! Now this is definitely one film I'm eagerly looking forward to watching even if critics pan it or it doesn't live up to the hype (which I'm very sure will surpass everyone's expectation!!), I'd still laud the director for unmasking the most feared man in the history of the United States of America through his film - J.Edgar!Now for those of you who don't have a wind of what I'm talking about, watch the trailer right away! http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi1849990169/
And the third teaser (not the trailer) that has high octane action,suspense and some new characters too is The Dark Knight Rises...which happens to be an epic end to the trilogy of Christopher Nolan's earlier franchise Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. O..but I'm sad here...are you telling me that we won't have Batmans anymore? We need them now more than before!
Anyway...the teaser doesn't reveal much..except a brief glimpse of the new menace on the block - Bane (O..I'm missing Heath Ledger already when I think of Batman's antagonist!), Jim Gordon, scenes from the earlier series..and yet again another powerful voice over which goes as...
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Anyway...the teaser doesn't reveal much..except a brief glimpse of the new menace on the block - Bane (O..I'm missing Heath Ledger already when I think of Batman's antagonist!), Jim Gordon, scenes from the earlier series..and yet again another powerful voice over which goes as...
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Wow!!! Simply outstanding and so profound! Though it's all set to release in the summer of 2012...but I hope Nolan in the meanwhile has a change of mind or even second thoughts on ending the Batman series because only he can do justice to this subject and I'm not wrong when I say that...each of the Batman series have not only done well (this is an understatement!) but they've gone on to break box office records in terms of all-time grossers and weekend openings.
It was also a first for a Batman film when Heath Ledger won an Oscar in the Supporting Actor category for The Dark Knight! And by now as well all know that the final installment of the film is going to be loaded with some power packed action sequences and an omnipotent villain; Batman by himself won't be able to protect Gotham ..so to give him company is the sexy, sultry and the powerful, Catwoman! http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi3119422489/
It was also a first for a Batman film when Heath Ledger won an Oscar in the Supporting Actor category for The Dark Knight! And by now as well all know that the final installment of the film is going to be loaded with some power packed action sequences and an omnipotent villain; Batman by himself won't be able to protect Gotham ..so to give him company is the sexy, sultry and the powerful, Catwoman! http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi3119422489/
Now...more that's in store for all of you is that lately I've been analyzing some upcoming films and even prior to their release I've already begun thinking about the tough contenders to watch out for at the 2012 Oscars.
For the Best Actor, I think Leonardo DiCaprio who has been long overdue to get the Oscars might get it this time for J.Edgar and that is if the jury decides to favour biopics...then Leo might face stiff competition in yet another film based on a true life incident between Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung for the film, A Dangerous Method starring Viggo Mortensen and Michael Fassbender playing the parts respectively. Incidentally the film is directed by David Cronenberg which got Viggo Mortensen his first ever Oscar nomination in the Best Actor category for Cronenberg's film,Eastern Promises. So, Leo has to watch out for this one!
Now, the third contender could pose in the form of Ryan Gosling and George Clooney for The Ides of March which I believe is carrying good reports according to the media. Drive, another film of Ryan Gosling's could also make it to the nominations...though I'm very sure that this year they'd nominate him in the Best Actor or Supporting Actor category considering that last year they dropped him out of the nominations list altogether for his performance in the film,Blue Valentine even as his co-star Michelle Williams got second time lucky.Now..the big question is, will she get third time lucky? Will she take the statuette home?
Alright...now if you don't know what I'm talking, about then here it is...Michelle Williams is all ready to set the screen on fire when she plays the sex bombshell of the fifties,Marilyn Monroe in the film, My Week with Marilyn. Now the jury can't get away with this one!! But when on one hand we have a film on the American sex symbol and the diva herself...then giving Williams tough competition is the seasoned Meryl Streep who is all set to reprise the role of the most powerful woman of England -Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. Alright now to break the clincher...you shouldn't be surprised that the Academy's favourites, Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock get nominated and either of the two even take home the Oscars for their performances in the film, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close which is set in the back drop of the 9/11 bombings. Well..the hero could also turn out to be the nine year old boy in the film (Will history repeat itself? Remember Tatum O'Neal?)
Besides, we also have some great line up of films coming up this year from Academy award winning directors like Steven Spielberg,Woody Allen, Martin Scorcese,David Fincher,Roman Polanski,Steven Soderbergh, Alex Payne and Cameron Crowe. The other surprise contenders for the nominees or the big win could also be Terrence Malick,Rodrigo Garcia (Glenn Close could notch a nomination if not a win in Garcia's film,Albert Nobbs!),Jason Reitman,Bennett Miller, Ralph Fiennes (who makes his directorial debut...and going by the history of Hollywood, actors do not make good..but outstanding directors!), Lars Von Trier, Andrea Arnold, Paolo Sorrentino ( for This Must be the Place where Sean Penn could surprise us with yet another win!) and Jim Sheridian among them.Phew...the year 2012 is going to be the clash of the titans and the Academy is going to have one helluva tough time sifting out the bestest from the best!!
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Now, the third contender could pose in the form of Ryan Gosling and George Clooney for The Ides of March which I believe is carrying good reports according to the media. Drive, another film of Ryan Gosling's could also make it to the nominations...though I'm very sure that this year they'd nominate him in the Best Actor or Supporting Actor category considering that last year they dropped him out of the nominations list altogether for his performance in the film,Blue Valentine even as his co-star Michelle Williams got second time lucky.Now..the big question is, will she get third time lucky? Will she take the statuette home?
Alright...now if you don't know what I'm talking, about then here it is...Michelle Williams is all ready to set the screen on fire when she plays the sex bombshell of the fifties,Marilyn Monroe in the film, My Week with Marilyn. Now the jury can't get away with this one!! But when on one hand we have a film on the American sex symbol and the diva herself...then giving Williams tough competition is the seasoned Meryl Streep who is all set to reprise the role of the most powerful woman of England -Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. Alright now to break the clincher...you shouldn't be surprised that the Academy's favourites, Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock get nominated and either of the two even take home the Oscars for their performances in the film, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close which is set in the back drop of the 9/11 bombings. Well..the hero could also turn out to be the nine year old boy in the film (Will history repeat itself? Remember Tatum O'Neal?)
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Besides, we also have some great line up of films coming up this year from Academy award winning directors like Steven Spielberg,Woody Allen, Martin Scorcese,David Fincher,Roman Polanski,Steven Soderbergh, Alex Payne and Cameron Crowe. The other surprise contenders for the nominees or the big win could also be Terrence Malick,Rodrigo Garcia (Glenn Close could notch a nomination if not a win in Garcia's film,Albert Nobbs!),Jason Reitman,Bennett Miller, Ralph Fiennes (who makes his directorial debut...and going by the history of Hollywood, actors do not make good..but outstanding directors!), Lars Von Trier, Andrea Arnold, Paolo Sorrentino ( for This Must be the Place where Sean Penn could surprise us with yet another win!) and Jim Sheridian among them.Phew...the year 2012 is going to be the clash of the titans and the Academy is going to have one helluva tough time sifting out the bestest from the best!!
So...now it's all on the platter...let's see at the end of it,who takes the cake!! It might be one or all from the probables I've listed above or it could even be none among them...only time will tell! Till then it's a real surprise in store! Wait on until 2012...till then it's good bye from me for now until I see you next month!
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