Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Hi Friends,
How have you been? Trust you had a lovely New Year's eve with your family, friends and loved ones as you ushered in the New Year.

Sonyaa's Random Musings too wishes it's readers a New Year filled with love, joy, good health,fulfillment and abundance. May we in our own little way become instruments of change in the societies we live in. 

In the wake of some unfortunate incidents that took place towards December in America and India which shook us up, I urge you all that in the New year, each of you make that little effort to reach out to people within your vicinity or in your neighborhoods - it could be as simple as just spending an evening with a lonely old neighbor or perhaps just help someone run some errands or even counsel someone to overcome some challenges or problems he/ she might be going through or you could just keep vigil for the safety and well-being of your communities.

Perhaps, it's somewhere in my thoughts I echo these sentiments which I wanted to share with you.

Now shifting focus to something lighter...hey guys did you check out the nominations for the Golden Globe 2013? Who do you think will win? Got any of your favorites that you think is tipped to win? I'm sure you do know by now that winners of Golden Globe and BAFTA's are generally the winners at the Oscars too! 

So, lets get guessing for at least 6 categories of the Golden Globe Awards -Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Film, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress.

Though I've not watched most of the films that have been nominated here, but I'll give my predictions based on the reviews and the plot-lines I've read, the trailers/ teasers of the films I've watched, the ratings of the nominated films and their popularity at the Box Office...and where I'm confused, I'll go by my hunch!

So, then let's start with Best Motion Picture Drama and Best Director- Drama... and here are the nominations -

All are worthy contenders for the Best Drama and Best Director (Of course if it were the nominations for the Oscars then you'd have had Tom Hooper's Les Misérables too which would have made it even difficult to decide!)

Nevertheless, the task is still not easy...while Ben Affleck's Argo and Kathryn Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty tow the same lines with both being political dramas, Tarantino's Django Unchained is unconventional, while Ang Lee's Life of Pi is an adventure fantasy and Spielberg's Lincoln is a biopic on the life of American president Abraham Lincoln.

So who gets my vote? With the presidential elections of America having concluded  recently and the execution of Osama Bin Laden still afresh in the minds of the people, the jury would definitely keep that in mind and in all likeliness a combination of Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty may take home the Golden Globe for the Best Drama and Best Director. Perhaps Best Drama may go the Zero Dark Thirty and the Best Director would go to Steven Spielberg (though personally, I consider Lincoln better poised to clinch both the awards!)

Now we come to the next category, the Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama and the nominations are...

All accomplished actresses and three of the five nominees have already won Academy Awards and a Golden Globe. Again, since I've not seen any of these films it'd be interesting to see Jessica Chastain or Naomi Watts take home the award. Will Jessica be second time lucky? Remember last year she was nominated for The Help and this year it's Zero Dark Thirty. Naomi Watts portrayal as a tsunami survivor in The Impossible is the one to watch out for though Marion Cotillard's performance in Rust and Bone is equally challenging.

So who gets my vote? Hmmm...difficult, but it could be Naomi Watts or Marion Cotillard, though Jessica Chastain's chances of emerging as the winner in her second consecutive nomination cannot be ruled out. Even if Naomi Watts doesn't get the award this year, next year she would be giving some tough competition at the award ceremonies as she is all set to play Princess Diana (Oh...but then we have Nicole Kidman playing Princess Grace too!). Perhaps...they'd give it to Naomi Watts this year instead!

Now, we come to the nominations for the Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture-Drama
And the nominations are...

Again...we have some very difficult choices, though Richard Gere is a fine actor who I would have loved to see get an award...I particularly loved his performance in Unfaithful, but this year it is definitely the year of Lincoln and Daniel Day Lewis might take his second Golden Globe (and his third Oscar too!). The next close winner is Joaquin Phoenix, yet another fine actor who has had some luck with the Golden Globe for his win in Walk the Line (though an Academy Award has eluded him till date for some of his fine performances in Gladiator and Walk the Line!)

So who gets my vote? Well, it's definitely Daniel Day-Lewis, but if the jury does have some second thoughts, then Joaquin Phoenix cannot be ruled out from the race either.

So now we come to the nominations for the Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion PictureAnd the nominations are...

Though Sally Field, Helen Hunt and Nicole Kidman are all accomplished actresses but I personally liked Anne Hathway as Fantene in Les Misérables from whatever little I've seen of her in the trailers and the glowing reviews I've read of the film.However Amy Adams who has consistently been nominated but has never won a Golden Globe is also a strong contender for the award. But if it's the year of Lincoln, then Sally Field could very well pip the other nominees by surprise and take home the award for her portrayal as the First Lady of America.

And now finally we come to the last of the six nominations which is the Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
And the nominations are...

This is one category that has left me confused...I don't know whom to select. But if I had to then going by my hunch Philip Seymour Hoffman's portrayal of Lancaster Dodd in The Master partly inspired by Scientology leader L. Ron Hubbard could well emerge as the winner. Another surprise could be Alan Arkin and Christoph Waltz. And if it's the year of Lincoln like I had mentioned earlier, then no surprises here, Tommy Lee Jones could just take home the award for his performance!

So, these were my predictions for the six categories of the Golden Globe Awards...do you have anything to add? Then do so right away by posting in your comments...looking forward to reading them.

With best wishes for the New Year!

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