Monday, November 10, 2008


Hello Everybody,
How have you been? And how did the week go by? Am sure the most discussed topic amongst all of you all through the week must have been the US presidential elections and who's going to win....and of course the one and only one candidate who fought bravely right through the end and won because of his sustained efforts, determination and had that charismatic aura around him was none other than SENATOR BARACK OBAMA!

Well, let's face another fact, that even if he was the most popular candidate, he had roadblocks to victory...afterall he was inching to creating history...the first Afro-American President and having a Muslim lineage could very well have worked against him....but boy.... HE DID IT!!!!!!!

I congratulate Obama on this well deserved victory....and we Indians welcome the new President of America who will bring with him a message of peace, renewed hope and strive to make this world a better place to live in.

And what more, today we have Mr. S. S. Pannu who shares with us an open letter to Barack read on what he has to say...
Love, Sonyaa
Dear President-Elect Senator Barack Obama,

As a citizen of the world I congratulate you on your momentous victory in a watershed election unparalleled in the history of United States of America. Yes it's a resounding message of "Change" which the world is unlikely to see for a long time. I will go to the extent of calling it a "Rebirth of a Nation" - Your people have demonstrated the impossible which cannot be described in words!!! Above all, it's a change which not only your people at home have cherished but it's being welcomed around the world.

As an Indian I may not have voted for you but in our hearts a vote of prayer was the only way we could have supported you. And that's what we did. I am sure your leadership and vision for your country and the world will guide and see us through this grim economic crisis since we all are interdependent humankind.

By now we all know how the election of a US President impacts our world for better or worse in many ways. Whatever may have happened amiss over the past several decades but with your election the time has come for resolution of all problems. More importantly, there might have been many aberrations how your predecessors treated or looked at the world at large but all of us have high expectations from you to become a catalyst for reconciliation at home and abroad. We know it's not easy but we expect to see a serious effort to wipe out the past and usher in a bright tomorrow for the people of the world the like of which may never have been witnessed ever before.

Today it's a joy to see a groundswell of support for you all over the planet. Hence it's an opportunity for the people of the world to discover the real America which will be known for its love, humanity, compassion and generosity capable of wiping the tears from many eyes through its vast resources. We want to see you lifting not only the spirit of America but that of the world at large through healing of war, disease, famine, hunger and poverty.Hence your every action at home and abroad should spell prosperity and opportunity for the teeming millions on this earth. Let the USA under your stewardship bring peace, joy, freedom and goodwill to the people of the world.

Remember at this point in time, your massive electoral victory is not only essential & critical for the people of United States but even more vital for the world at large. As we all rejoice and celebrate this great triumph transcending all obstacles of race, cast, colour and creed yet the enormity of the task ahead of you is simply gigantic & complex. But you are not have people's trust and that is the most sought treasure any government could ever have asked for!

I would like to conclude it with a verse from the Bible: Isaiah 41:20 "That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the LORD hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it." May God bless you and your country to move ahead with vigour and speed to lead them to the Promised Land.

Warm regards and best wishes for your term as President of USA,
S. S. Pannu

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