Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hello Everybody,
Am so happy to be back again writing to you....one month is a loooooong hiatus....am so glad to have a few but devoted readers who make it a point to read the articles published on my blog....I know...many a times I have to pester you to read them and many a times you do so on your own...you know what I really appreciate the latter. I would also like to humbly thank all those who have subscribed to my blog postings, shared their comments and more importantly contributed their lovely articles on Sonyaa's Random Musings.

You definitely must be wondering what's wrong with me today and why am I in an uh-so emotional mood today...well the reason is simple...this month Sonyaa Random Musings celebrates her 1st blog anniversary...yes!!! it's been a year I started blogging....and I can't believe it that I have managed to pull through it....and more importantly I did keep my promise...yes I promised that our blog is not gonna be theme-centric but variety will be the flavour of the season...so be it politics, celebrities, lifestyle, entertainment, current issues, profile on great actors etc...you've read it all on Sonyaa's Random Musings!

Now from this time on....I want to hear more from you and the subject of articles you'd like to read henceforth. In fact I'd be more than happy to have team members who'd volunteer to be a part of Sonyaa's Random Musings..to lead our blog to greater heights. Now those who are interested in being a member of Sonyaa's Random musings may kindly submit their names and write a little note on why they'd like to be a part of this blog.So....looking forward to hearing from you! :-)

Well in today's posting I'll be briefly discussing some of the positive turn of events that have taken place that has re-instated my faith in democracy, determination and change. I always thought that the world was a big bad place to live in...and often I recall the Biblical times when Noah built the ark which was a covenant of protection promised by God from the bad world (yes they existed even then!) always believe that when there was a lot of bad and evil things happening around us...God sent the tide to wash them all away...and along with it he even sent some people who'd lead his people to the promised land be it Noah, Moses, Elijah or even His own beloved son Jesus.

In the recent times there has been a lot of bad things happening around us...but if you look around carefully you'd definitely find a few good men appointed by God who stand out from millions to make a difference......One of them who made me believe that 'change' was possible when he convinced a nation of 305 million people to entrust their future into his hands to rewrite a new page in his country's history which was to erase the past mistakes created by his predecessors and to become an ambassador of peace,goodwill and love....this one man who had everything going against him when his contemporaries poked fun at him on being a part of a race which was most hated in that country, of a religion which is believed to be spreading terror and a name which closely rhymed with the most wanted terrorist....but despite all these challenges he arose with sheer hardwork and determination and went on to rewrite the history of America....he is none other than Barack Obama - the man whose victory changed the face of American history, people's perception of the west and taught me what wonders working at grassroot was capable of!

The last month we (India) witnessed a very important event that takes place once in five years where citizens of our country have a date with democracy, secularism and integrity...Yes they were the general Lok Sabha elections.For the first time I felt that my fellowmen had matured and had risen above the politics of caste,religion and corruption when they marched forward and gave an overwhelming mandate to a government which was secular,honest and stable. For the first time I witnessed that many of those who were given this prestigious mandate by the public were deserving,discerning and the young brigade- in which the youth of India see their future.

In recent times we have also witnessed that those who have been harbouring terrorism be it in Sri Lanka or even Pakistan have been silenced...be it due to international pressure or even a country's own stand to silence the guns echoing the killings, bloodshed and mayhem of thousands of innocent people, top leaders etc.
So, at the end of it...I do believe that a change is definitely taking place...and before I conclude I'd like to say a prayer-"Father-Mother God...help, protect and guide your people when they go astray.." Amen

Take care and see you until next month!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Sonyaa,
Yes indeed it does seem the time has flown by and you have completed one year of happy blogging! Many happy returns of the day!! And as for the choice of blog subjects I think its good to keep up the variety going!!!
All the best and Take care

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