Hello everybody,
As promised here’s the concluding part of the film review:The Dark Knight Another week gone by and The Dark Knight continues to break records crossing a whopping $300 million mark in just 10 days! Now, for those who have yet not watched the film, the concluding part of my review will give you yet another reason to watch this fantastic film. And if you’re still not convinced... Sigh!!...all I’d say you’re missing out on a fantabulous film!

The Joker has just one purpose - to unveil the face behind the Batman? Will the people of Gotham hand over the Batman to the psychotic Joker? Does the Joker succeed in his 'plan'? Will the Batman be able to stop the Joker from making other's just like him? In this battle against untiring menace, something will have to be sacrificed. Who all are going to sacrifice their lives for the better good of their beloved city- Gotham? And what is the price Gotham will have to pay to stop men like him who have disturbed the law and order of the city?
At the end of the film, these are the answers you’re going to find in The Dark Knight – it’s a well-made and well-meaning film where every act is justified and no action is out of place, that’s the beauty of this film!
Some interesting dialogues/ one-liners from the film to watch out for! (esp. the Joker!)
Harvey Dent: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Batman: Why do you want to kill me?
The Joker: I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You complete me
The Joker: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We're tonight's entertainment.
The Joker: This town deserves a better class of criminal... and I'm gonna give it to them. Tell your men they work for me now. This is *my* city.
The Joker: Why... so... serious? Let's put a smile on that face! hee-haaa-haa
The Joker: [to Batman] You've changed things... forever. There's no going back. See, to them, you're just a freak... like me!
The Joker: Some men are not trying to be logical. They can't be bought, bullied or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
The Joker: What happened? Did your balls drop off?
The Joker: Introduce a little anarchy…Upset the established order….well then everyone loses their minds!
The Joker: I'm a dog chasing cars. I don't have plans. I just do things. I'm not a schemer
The Joker: You don't do the work you are good at for free
The Joker: Madness is like gravity…it jus needs a lil push..!!
The Joker: Why don't we cut you up into little pieces and feed you to your pooches? Hmm? And then we'll see how loyal a hungry dog really is. It's not about money. It's about sending a message.
The Joker: What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
The Joker: I use a knife because guns are too quick. Otherwise you can't savour all the emotions. You know who people are in their last moments.
I have analyzed mainly the 3 characters – Batman/Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent/ two face man and the Joker and what I took home after watching the film. But for all of you hate violence or can't stand an action flick. Okay, for a moment, let's forget all of that, if the above reason doesn't suffice, then for a moment let's understand the Joker. We all know what the Joker stands for – he's mad, lunatic, a freak etc (and many more superlatives, adjectives, jargons attached!)
Now, if you study the character of the Joker under microscope, you'll realize that there are many aspects and traits of the character which can be substituted with people in and around the world who think like him, make decisions for us!…no, they may not put on the paint literally….the war-paint (!!), but their ulterior motive to unleash terror and be the most powerful at any cost with nothing to lose is so very true and alike the Joker.
And it takes ordinary men like Batman, District Attorney Harvey Dent and Lt. James Gordon who have put everything at stake - their family, loved ones and their conscience to take a stand to protect their city from all mayhem and anarchy.
If Batman is referred as The Dark Knight then ordinary people like Harvey Dent (it could even be you!) are referred to as the White Knight…because with people like him, there is hope, a new beginning and a new tomorrow…And that's why I'm going to tell each one of you to watch The Dark Knight, it will stir your conscience and this in turn will help us understand ourselves better and be a watchdog of the world…let's start it in a small way at least beginning with our own city. Resilience is what will take us a long way…just like Batman did or you may just succumb to becoming a 'two face man' like Harvey Dent.
Here's a dialogue in the film that sets you thinking on the lines I have towed in the latter half of this article:
Bruce Wayne: People are dying. What would you have me do?
Alfred Pennyworth: Endure. You can be the outcast. You can make the choice that no one else will face - the right choice. Gotham needs you
Who is Batman? He is as human as us, with no extraordinary powers… and the scars on his back and chest are a proof of this. His operations are simple -By night he's Batman cleansing Gotham of the filth which has infested his city and by day he is Bruce Wayne – a young multi-billionaire who works his day in office, has a social life and even emotional about losing the love of his life to Harvey Dent.
The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming!
Go watch it at the nearest theatres around you!
1 comment:
Hi there,
After reading your detailed review it seems I will have to see this film. But considering where I live I really dont know when it will come here. In the meantime thanks for posting such wonderful description of the film
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