Friday, April 1, 2011


Hey Everybody,
Howdy? Hope all's well with you and your loved ones by the grace of God. These days life in itself has become so uncertain and unpredictable...while all seems well at this moment,no one can fathom what's in store few moments hence... 
Of earthquakes, tsunamis & threat of nuclear radiations...

A new day holds a new promise of something new where our life encapsulates our journey,our relationships and celebration of some of our most cherished moments be it birth, marriage, anniversaries, success, friendships, unions,re-unions etc which we treasure as memories... And that's precisely the way our Japanese brethren had gone about their day....but no one would have in their wildest of dreams had envisaged that in the next few seconds their lives would have been washed away by the spate of tsunamis and earthquakes that rocked their country early last month and the subsequent threat of radiations looming large from their nuclear reactors adding woes to their misery.

Now...all they have is memories to fall back hope of finding their loved one diminishes and they are yet to come to terms with the loss of their near and dear ones...and it is now our chance that from no matter what part of the world we are...we can help build their lives anew...and no I am not asking you to shower your material wealth to show to the world how charitable you are,let the doors of your true wealth which is love, sharing, caring, brotherhood and sisterhood be thrown wide open to those who need a shoulder to cry on, to those who need a helping hand to lay a foundation of their home and to those who are looking out for someone to start their lives once again.And for those who stay in far flung countries and feel that you cannot be of much help...don't fret, we can PRAY in unison..because when we pray together our thoughts are one with all on this planet and it is this very prayer of yours that can help bring about a healing and solution to many problems no matter how unconquerable they may seem to be. When we pray together,our needs are met even when the feeling of lack is predominant in our thoughts ,you find help where there's none and there's hope when you feel hopeless.

While I was watching those devastating images on television,scenes from the film 2012 flashed across my mind with visuals from the film gelling so perfectly with reality that it made me ponder about many questions on the myths and reality that shroud the end of our existence...While the truth of our being is that we are all the sons and daughters of God and we have been given dominion over every living thing, but we have not been given the dominion to create disasters,diseases and threats to life...Have we? Take the nuclear disaster we are heading for post the Japan earthquake and tsunamis and the detection of high radiation levels in the oceans,in food items and in the air... Who is responsible for it?

Our Today & Tomorrow is a gift from GOD
God has given us the gift of nature....why don't we harness the energy of the sun for solar energy, the winds for windmill energy, the sea tides for tidal energy??? I just came across a statistic which says that solar energy constitutes for just 1% of the energy in India and 35% of the world's energy...which is shocking!! When we have the sun which shines so freely everyday from morning to evening for us...isn't this a more viable and a better option to harness the renewable resources of nature available to us rather than threatening our very own existence with an impending man-made disaster...isn't that worth a thought? Think about it.

Finally, let me end today's blog post on a positive note of hope. Let us say a prayer,give thanks and glorify the works of the Lord. Let us be at peace with ourselves and others and let each day of our lives be an occasion to express joy and celebrate the works of our Lord. The world today is going through turmoils and turbulence and a simple unselfish prayer can make a world of difference!

Take care and God Bless


Varun said...

I appreciate your concerns. :)

On the use of solar energy, it so happens that today's technology still doesn't give a good efficiency. While another reason is that it is very costly as compared with other forms.

On the use of other renewable forms of energy, I too feel pissed off at the tendencies of governments to oblige the corporate giants who have a lot invested in oil and other such non-renewable sources.

Imagine, the last thing General Motors would want is that people start using public means of transport to save fuel, or that cars start running on bio-fuel, which would spoil its ties with the oil corporations.

The change, if it has to happen must first come in the consciousness of people. Its only when all people start waking up to what's going on, we can expect the initiation of logical and sustainable practices.

Sonyaa said...

Varun..I think that's no excuse that solar energy is very expensive...look at the scams taking place only goes to show that money is there but it has to be channelized in the right direction...the investment to our future starts TODAY! Firstly for people to awaken...awareness about newer technologies,better yet cost effective way of living, affordability and accessibility to the resources of the world are the order of the day.

Varun said...

Well, I don't want this to turn into a kind of debate. Just want to mention that high cost of solar technology indirectly translates to the fact that the resources used to come up with solar technology are scarce (since cost of a resource is inversely proportional to its abundance). Whether that kind of money exists or not is a secondary issue. The question next comes whether is it worth it to use those scarce resources to develop solar technology, in the face of the fact that its efficiency is not as good as other renewable kinds of energy.

Unfortunately, most people do not think like that. Money is just a commodity, not something which can fetch us everything we want. The ideal thing would be to first survey the entire globe to assess the kind of energy sources which are best suited to meet the energy NEEDS (not WANTS) and then appropriately move forwards. You can check out this web-site to find some interesting ideas on how to do it :

Sonyaa said...

Well Varun it is good to just said "high cost" was one of the there we the moment is one of the requisites but it is a good investment if it's put to the right use for development..till of course utopia comes! But do read this...I think this should suffice on India's prospects in the renewable energy sector

Varun said...

I read the article. Perhaps these statements from that article might catch anyone's attention :

"India has an average of between 300 and 330 sunny days per year. Therefore the potential energy generation across the country is great, estimated at approximately 5,000 trillion kilowatt-hours per year. This is more energy than the country of India currently consumes."

Actually, 5000 TkW/annum is the potentially available energy (and this a very generous figure, considering the variations in the geography and topography from region to region). My point was on the efficiency, i.e., how much of this energy can actually be harnessed. This value typically is around 20%. However, research is still being carried on and experiments have been conducted where efficiency as much as 40% is being observed.

Even this link is useful :

As more and more advancements and breakthroughs occur in the manufacturing technology, more are the chances of popularity of solar technology.
However, its implementation ultimately depends on right kind of investment by the authorities, which you correctly pointed out, under the current socio-economic model.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sonyaa, Thank you very much for your timely blog outlining the dangers of Nuclear Energy. I think after what happened in Japan, it should be very clear to all that here after the best way forward would be to tap solar and other forms of natural energy to save this planet from a catastrophe!!! Thanks & Take care.

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