Sunday, April 1, 2012


Hi Friends,
How have you been? Trust all's well at your end!

On reviewing my blog..I thought of doing something new and different from the routine for this month's post..that's when I came up with the idea of a 'trailog' post..Confused?? we are... Instead of jabbering and blabbering...I thought of simply sharing 10 films that are yet to be released and have generated abuzz from the word go through teasers and trailers in just 2.30 minutes of screen time! Howzzzat?? Are you game for it?'s a disclaimer - This month's trailog contains spoilers, teasers and trailers on some forthcoming those who are not in for it may kindly excuse! :) Now,without wasting much time....let's begin!

10. The boys are back in them veterans! Yes,Stallone, Schwarzenegger,Willis, Statham,Li,Jerry Crews, Dolph Lundgren, Van Damme and Chuck Norris are back in Expendables2.
This year is packed with's not just The Expendables...but you also have Skyfall (James Bond film), Men in Black III, GI-Joe:Retaliation and another of my favorite which tops the list of the most anticipated films in 2012. Till then have a look at the teaser of the film, The Expendables2

9.Of sequels and action...then how could this one be possibly left behind! Agent J and Agent K are back...this time what's their one knows!
Psst...I read somewhere that Agent J is on a mission to protect his friend Agent K.
For more on the plot, that is if you happen to be as impatient as me...then go ahead and read it on wikipedia or imdb or wait for the film to release. :) Till then watch the trailer of  Men in Black III

8. again...this one's going to create a lot of confusion in 2012. This year we're going to have not one but two films on Abraham Lincoln!! While Steven Spielberg's, 'Lincoln' shows the iconic American leader at work and not just standing around posing for history books, as the acclaimed director puts it, but the film 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter'  (produced by Tim Burton) as the name suggests is a supernatural action horror film about President Lincoln crushing vampires and their slaves after his mother was killed by the supernatural creature! Wooohooo!!! While the trailer of Lincoln is awaited...till then watch the president chasing vampires in Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter! (Twilight...grow up!!)

7.Now talking of vampires... is there a chance that I'd miss out on Twilight: Breaking Dawn  part2??No way!!!Last year,The Harry Potter series came to an end and this year it's the last of Edward and Bella's romance we'd witness on celluloid! I'm going to miss them...unless Stephenie Meyer has a change of mind and writes a prequel, sequel or adds some more series to the much loved Twilight saga! It's not uncommon these days for authors to extend their franchise...apparently, I heard that Helen Fielding (author of Bridget Jones's Diary) is writing a third to the book and talks are underway with Hugh Grant, Colin Firth and Renee Zellweger coming together once again for the film. Howzzzat!! Okay...for now let's watch the teaser of Twilight: Breaking Dawn part2

6. Looks like Kristen Stewart is going to confuse us with her patterns of transformation in 2012... when on one hand she joins the ranks of vampires in Twilight Breaking Dawn (part2) to give us sleepless nights then on the other hand she brings alive the character of Snow White in the much loved bedtime fairytale. Watch out for her and Charlize Theron, her antagonist in the film,Snow White and the Huntsman...till then check out the trailer! (Pssst...They say like minds think alike...besides Lincoln, we have two films on Snow White too! Just a fortnight ago we had the Julia Roberts starrer 'Mirror Mirror' and soon 'Snow White and the Huntsman' hits the theatres on 8th June! At the end of it...we'll analyze which of the two was the best!)

5. This list would be incomplete if we didn't make a mention of a Sci-Fi film for all those who love this genre. Not that I'm going to write one for the heck of it...but we have a very interesting film coming up from the prolific Ridley Scott. Now after Alien..this one's to watch out for...

4. Wow...this one's for me...I have loved the Lord of the Rings series and in awe of how beautifully it was adapted on the big screen by director Peter it's time to follow the 'unexpected' journey of the hobbit...and did I just say hobbit? Even I'm curious to know what happens next. I was watching the trailer and then went on to read the cast...lo, look who's missing from the list? It's Aragorn!!!! Pray why is he not in the film?? You have Gandalf, Legolas,Gollum, Frodo...but where is our knight in shining armour? I'm going to miss Viggo Mortensen in the film... till then folks watch the trailer of 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected  Journey'.

3.  After the success of Borat and it's time to welcome General Aladeen of the Republic of Wadiya!!! Oops...I meant Sacha Baron Cohen and he is back with the third franchise of his 'mockumentary' (when I first heard this term while reading the synopsis of this film...I was all for laughs, new genre for cine lovers!) called 'The Dictator'. I thought this was going to be a serious one...but when I saw the trailer and read the by line - "the story of a dictator who risked his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed"....I couldn't stop laughing!! Check out the trailer and tell me what you think about it!  

2. Wow....this one's a musical...bring it on Stacee Jaxx...we love you!!! Who wouldn't love Stacee if it were not for Tom Cruise playing the rocker!! He looks uber cool and with brief glimpses of him in the can't wait to have more of him! With an all new avatar of Tom Cruise and a departure from the routine action and Sci-Fi glad to see Cruise breaking the mould!! Till then...catch the trailer of Rock of Ages

1. And finally...the film that tops my list which unfortunately happens to be the epic end to the trilogy...ah you guessed it's The Dark Knight Rises! Christopher Nolan please reconsider... you alone can do justice to the Batman one ever etched out the life of our superhero with such finesse as you did. You did not underestimate your young treated them as young adults. You made it watchable once again for all age groups, right from 6-60  everyone sat together and enjoyed the film in all seriousness. And above got not just us, but the jury hooked too when a Batman film won an Oscar!  So...I do hope my reasoning cuts some ice! :) In TDKR...Heath Ledger you will be missed and Christian Bale you are the best Batman ever! Need I say more? Until the film the teaser of the film...
Hope you liked this month's trailog post ...if you did then do not forget to write in and even if you didn't then drop in a line to tell us why!'s time to say bbye!!
Take care and ciao until next month.

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