Hi Friends,
How are you doing?Hope you enjoyed reading last month's post where I reviewed Meet Joe Black and described my thoughts about what I most loved about the film vis-a-vis the story, performances and direction.

What happens when a tyrant takes charge of a country?Then what will it take to trigger the conscience of the masses that 'V' the people will rise and march onward?Did I just say V?Ah,yes it is - 'V For Vendetta'!
Each time I've watched this film,it has added a new dimension to my thought-process. Perhaps,I somewhere take this film as a reference in view of a disturbing trend that we are all a witness to of the growing ire and discontent among the masses against their governments that's emerging globally.The situation could well flare up and spiral out of control as we saw it happen in the climax of the film if governments around the world continued to lie, betray and conspire against the best interest of the people.
Anyway coming back to the film,now what I loved most about it was the subject which was very well-written and dexterously handled in the first place.And packed with a gripping plot,hard-hitting dialogues/one-liners and rapt dialogue delivery...the director's conviction in the subject was evident right from the opening line of the film which got us hooked,when Evey says...
"Remember, remember, the fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot."
Generally a film about politics could have been downright boring but when you have a masked vigilante leading the way...then it's bound to get your attention! Though he may be unconventional to be your choice for a superhero and that's perhaps somewhere got to do with the fact that he does not have inherent super-powers like Superman, Spider man etc. neither does he possess extra-ordinary hi-tech gadgets like Batman, Iron Man etc. but Truth is his biggest weapon and that's what puts him on a higher pedestal that sets him apart from the rest! And together with the truth what 'V' also has is a commanding power of speech (particularly those eloquent words of inspiration!) and impressive oratorical skills that he rises to become the new-found hero of the masses when he awakens the conscience of a nation lost deep in slumber, unfazed by the political turbulence and miscarriages of justice camouflaged before their very own eyes!
Now coming to the story,the film is set in United Kingdom and is a timeline of events leading up to the present day as the protagonist, Evey (Natalie Portman) recounts that dreadful moment in history when a nation deceived by false propaganda elected autocracy disguised as democracy!With the chaos of political turmoil settling in, the symbols of governance collapse and the foundations of the society are shaken up when the soul of democracy is bruised,crushed and destroyed! But then one day when a masked freedom fighter who calls himself 'V' appears on the scene,the balance is all set to be restored when he ignites a mass revolution against this fascist regime!What is the price a country will have to pay for this prolonged oversight in their misjudgment?A sacrifice perhaps?
Awesome plot here! Kudos!
Awesome plot here! Kudos!
Though the film is directed by James McTeigue but it has the stamp of the Wachowski brothers all over!And I say this not just because it has some superbly choreographed action sequences or toes the line of a super-hero/savior (remember Neo in The Matrix) mission-bound to fulfill a prophecy or make a difference;but I truly believe that their films have a backbone and a spine! They make intelligent films(in this case they've written the Screenplay)!Period.Besides deploying the latest technologies,their films are ingrained with a deep-rooted philosophy that have a bearing of history,political culture and spirituality blended together to tell a convincing story that distinguishes it from the rest and inspires you as a whole! Such is the impact it has on you that the film journeys on in your thoughts long after!
On the performances front,Natalie Portman shines as Evey!! The process of her transformation from a girl trapped in the shadow of her traumatic past into a fearless upright woman coming into her own was very convincing!In fact,the scene in the film when she is tortured in prison and her head shaven off because she refuses to give into submission was so real that I got goosebumps.That moment from the film reminded me of a song from the film,Les Misérables when a teary-eyed Fantene sings,"I Dreamed a Dream..." as her locks are chopped off.
We may not have seen V, the man behind the mask but we will always remember that deep mesmerizing voice of Hugo Weaving which will haunt us each time we recall many of those memorable dialogues that was so well articulated and punctuated by him in the film.
On the performances front,Natalie Portman shines as Evey!! The process of her transformation from a girl trapped in the shadow of her traumatic past into a fearless upright woman coming into her own was very convincing!In fact,the scene in the film when she is tortured in prison and her head shaven off because she refuses to give into submission was so real that I got goosebumps.That moment from the film reminded me of a song from the film,Les Misérables when a teary-eyed Fantene sings,"I Dreamed a Dream..." as her locks are chopped off.
We may not have seen V, the man behind the mask but we will always remember that deep mesmerizing voice of Hugo Weaving which will haunt us each time we recall many of those memorable dialogues that was so well articulated and punctuated by him in the film.
Overall,the film scored on all counts but undoubtedly,it was the plot that was the hero and star of the film!Whistles! Applause!! V For Vendetta is definitely one of the many underrated films deserving of nominations- at least a nomination for Natalie Portman in the Best Actress category and win for the Wachowski brothers in the Best Writing category. On why the jury of the Oscars decided to overlook this film completely is something I can't fathom!As also,I can't help but lament at their poor choice in selection of films and performances in recent times...they sure don't know what they've really missed!Perhaps,politics is not their cup of tea,after all!
Here are some thought-provoking dialogues which I've compiled in this image that are my favorites from the film! They had quite an impact on me!
Today,this film is all the more relevant because we find ourselves in a similar predicament where on one hand our political system is riddled with blatant corruption while on the other side the common man is saddled with the nemesis of bureaucracy.So,it's not surprising that I chose to write about this film as I pondered on these problems looming over us. And that's when this film came spot-on to my mind!
Here are some thought-provoking dialogues which I've compiled in this image that are my favorites from the film! They had quite an impact on me!
This film,if watched in the right perspective and understanding could lead nations to usher in a new era of awakening where governments and their people would walk hand-in-hand to realize and discover the larger dream of peace,harmony,brotherhood and goodwill!
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