Hi Friends,

In this month's post,I shall round up the top five posts on Sonyaa's Random Musings that enjoyed immense popularity among the readers in the past year.
Based on analytic and statistics from 1st January 2015 - 31st December 2015 let us see which posts made it to the coveted list!
Let us the countdown begin...
Let us the countdown begin...
[Here are some excerpts from the post]
Two years ago,a rude shock awaited the viewers of Downton Abbey on Christmas where instead of celebrations, bonhomie and good cheer they were sent into a tizzy that was followed by a bout of mourning at the untimely demise of their beloved, Matthew Crawley on ITV's favorite drama when he was unceremoniously bumped off in a road accident.And three years later,history repeats itself yet again when television's latest victim,Dr. Derek Shepherd nee McDreamy meets the same fate as he succumbs to his death under similar circumstances on ABC's decade long medical drama,Grey's Anatomy!
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[Here are some excerpts from the post]
This Christmas when I watched Cecil B. DeMille's The Ten Commandments once again with my family,I was in awe of how they put together a mammoth production with minute attention and detail to the era they had to recreate,the costumes and casting.Charlton Heston was the best Moses* and Yul Brynner,the best Rameses ever. Period. Coming to the production, considering that technology was yet at it's nascent stage(no special effects nor VFX to boast of),I and my dad kept wondering on how they filmed the parting of the Red sea way back in 1956! Perhaps if Cecil B. DeMille were alive he would have enlightened us with that priceless knowledge on how he used camera,editing and technology so convincingly to make that scene look powerful!That's the magic of cinema...you can never tell from the naked eye on how a feat was achieved until the magician himself i.e. the director comes forward to tell us how he did it!Truly a commendable job done!
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At #3 with 66 hits we have 1st April 2015 post titled, "ANALYZING 'CAST AWAY' & 'THE TERMINAL': ON DISCOVERING A COMMON THREAD..."
[Here are some excerpts from the post]
As we 'March' onward,let's begin this month's post on the subject of story structures as I take up two such films for discussion that are distinct yet similar in their premise, narrative and plot-line. Some of you who are regulars on my blog might recall that I had written a post drawing parallels between The Ten Commandments and Gladiator vis-a-vis their story structure, plot-line and characterization.And this time around the two films That I have earmarked for this study are - Cast Away and The Terminal. Offhand,the only link that's obvious and comes to our mind this instant at the mention of these two films is the principal actor-Tom Hanks,who portrays two different characters-Chuck Noland and Viktor Navroski so convincingly that in my view deserved a few awards (especially in Cast Away) for his heart-rending performance.
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At #2 with 69 hits we have 1st September 2015 post titled, "ENTER THE ACTION CLUB: ACTORS IN THEIR 50's++ ROCKING THE BOX OFFICE!"
Earlier last month I watched Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation and I quite loved the kick-ass action particularly the plane stunt pulled off in the opening sequence of the film. Previously, Ethan Hunt scaled Burj Khalifa in Ghost Protocol...remember? I wonder what's lined in the next M:I!Air, building... probably now it's time to expect some mind-boggling action taking place in a submarine in the abyss of the ocean or on Mt. Everest! Concept wise, Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation was both interesting and intriguing particularly IMF shaking hands with Secret Service and Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) meeting the femme fatale James Bond, Ilsa Faust! Actor Tom Cruise never seems to age...he is our good old Ethan Hunt and still packs a punch in all these decades of film business! Who would say that the actor is in his 50's!
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Finally it is now time to crown the winner on Sonyaa's Random Musings - the post that stood out from the rest.
At #1 with 73 hits we have 1st November 2015 post titled, "WE WANT SOME M(O)ORE... ROGER THAT! [A WALK DOWN THE 'JAMES BOND' LANE!!]"
[Here are some excerpts from the post]
Roger Moore was a suave Bond no doubt who had just one word written all over him - Charm, Charm and oodles of it! And to compliment his dashing personality,the writers had all the witty lines reserved for him which further brought in a good dose of humor to an otherwise out and out action film!O and by the way,here's a candid confession that I have to make.While Roger Moore is among the recent celebrity to be added to my list of favorites...but in my family,my mother had fallen to his charms way back in the 50's and to this day remains a huge fan of his.In fact in her youth, sometime back in the 60's when was a teenager,she had watched his film,The Miracle and then went on to write to the actor himself and even sent him her photograph with a note wishing him success!And with a glint in her eye she fondly remembers receiving a reply to her letter with an autographed picture of the charismatic actor signing off his name as "Parish".Moments later,her face turns sad at the thought of her much cherished photograph which was misplaced over the decades. Even today my mother lights up each time Roger Moore is mentioned in a conversation or is written/spoke about in the local medias.To this date,she secretly harbors a desire to meet the actor some day. :)
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Hope you enjoyed reading this month's post? Do share your favorite among the five in the comments section of this post. I shall be looking forward to reading them.
Have a fabulous year ahead!
Take care and ciao.
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